
In my crystal report, I noticed one of the fields being pulled from a table has special characters. More specifically carriage returns and tabs. Is there a way to strip this out, so it doesn't show up blank in my reports?

Thanks in advance.

FYI, if you want to remove tabs, the Chr code for that is Chr(9).Sun

1 Answers


This should do it:

stringvar output := {TABLE_NAME.FIELD_NAME};
output := Trim(output);  //get rid of leading & trailing spaces
output := Replace(output,Chr(13),'');  //get rid of line feed character
output := Replace(output,Chr(10),'');  //get rid of carriage return character

//add any other special characters you want to strip out.

If you have a lot of characters to strip out, you can use this slightly fancier approach. Just add whatever characters you want to strip out to the in[]:

stringvar input := {DROPME.TEST_FIELD};
stringvar output := '';
numbervar i;

input := Trim(input);

for i := 1 to Length(input) Step 1 do
  if not(input[i] in [Chr(13),Chr(10)]) then
    output := output + input[i];
