I am pretty a fresh man to learn scala.
I want to ask how to check the function return value type?
For example :
def decode(list :List[(Int, String)]):List[String] = {
//val result = List[String]()
//list.map(l => outputCharWithTime(l._1,l._2,Nil))
def excuteDecode(list:List[(Int,String)],result:List[String]):List[String] = list match {
case Nil => Nil
case x::Nil=>outputCharWithTime(x._1,x._2,result)
case x::y =>excuteDecode(y,outputCharWithTime(x._1,x._2,result))
def outputCharWithTime(times:Int,str:String , result :List[String]):List[String]={
times match{
case 0 => result
case x => outputCharWithTime(times-1,str,str::result)
In this code , all the function return type is set to List[String], also created one empty List[String] parameter for excuteDecode() function .
However I get a compilation error:
Error:(128, 5) type mismatch; found : Unit required: List[String] }
Anyone can tell me why there exist problem and how to check the actual return type by ourself ?