
I have been working in Xamarin Forms lately for a project, and I have been using the TableView to show details of a record retrieved from web api. Sometimes, certain details are not present, so I'd like to hide the section that displays the information.

However, I can't find a way to hide the TableSection.

Here's some XAML:



        <!--Contact info-->
        <TableSection IsVisible="{Binding HasContact}" Title="Contact">

          <!--Contact name-->
          <TextCell Text="{Binding ContactName}" Detail="Primary contact" />

          <TextCell Text="Phone"
                    Detail="{Binding FormattedContactPhoneNumber}"
                    Command="{Binding BindingContext.DialPhoneCommand, Source={x:Reference MainGrid}}"
                    CommandParameter="{Binding ContactPhoneNumber}"/>

          <TextCell Text="Email"
                    Detail="{Binding ContactEmail}"
                    Command="{Binding BindingContext.SendEmailCommand, Source={x:Reference MainGrid}}"
                    CommandParameter="{Binding ContactEmail}"/>


Obviously, the IsVisible property didn't work and throws an exception because it doesn't exist (It is present on other elements like Labels). I also tried using VisualElement.IsVisible which throws an invalid cast exception. So is there any way to hide this section?

If there isn't a way to do it, perhaps I'll need to go down a dirtier path and use separate TableViews (There I can use VisualElement.IsVisible) :(

I'm afraid I haven't worked with xamarin as much as I'd like but if it carries general xaml standards it would be Visibility property you would put your bool through a converter for to be either Visible or Collapsed as the param. ie; Visibility="Collapsed"Chris W.
Thanks, however, Xamarin Forms uses their own custom controls, and the Visibility property is not available. Forms is translated into native controls at runtime.Eric
Really? Well that's disappointing. Wonder if since MS bought them they might try to adopt some of the long standard conventions. Will have to tinker with xamarin more when I have time. CheersChris W.

1 Answers


Well you've hit the one drawback of using a TableView, not being able to hide sections dynamically through bindable properties.

In my project I solved this like so:

In the code behind of the page I listen for OnPropertyChanges of the ViewModel that is used as the BindingContext. When the needed boolean changes, I Remove the Cell that is no longer needed in the TableSection. When the Cell is needed again, I Insert it again.

So name all sections and cells and at page start get a hold of those cells that need to change for reference for removing and adding them later.

Small example code

private void OnViewmodelPropertyChanged (object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.PropertyName.Equals("IsBioSecurityAvailable", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

private void AdjustBioSecurityHeight()
    if (!_viewmodel.IsBioSecurityAvailable && GeneralSection.Contains(BioSecurityViewCell))