
I have a row key of the form:

<name>--<zero-padded timestamp>

Using HBASE shell I want to find last 15 entries with the prefix .

scan 'mytable', {LIMIT => 15, ROWPREFIXFILTER => 'name' }

Gives me the first 15, but:

scan 'mytable', {LIMIT => 15, REVERSED => TRUE, ROWPREFIXFILTER => 'name'}

returns zero results...

What is the syntax for such a request?

Is it possible, or do I have to do something cheesy like use MAXINT-timestamp as my rowkey to manually reverse the key ordering?

what version of HBase? Can you show us some sample data from your table?Marsellus Wallace
VERSION 1.2.2. The data is just log entries. I want to pull them out in reverse timestamp order is all.tanbog

2 Answers


I can execute your query command in HBase shell environment, and get the expected result. But couldn't get any result throw Java Client. My HBase version is 0.98.

There is a bug when use HBase client scan with reversed = true, see this jira issue hbase-client: scanner with reversed=true and small=true get no result


Yes, I reproduced this issue, and my result was the same.

The workaround I used was to change ROWPREFILTER to STARTROW and ENDROW.