
I am getting the following response when I hit /v2/kafka/local/consumer:

{ "error": false, "message": "consumer list returned", "consumers": [], "request": { "url": "/v2/kafka/local/consumer", "host": "EN-NavneetJ", "cluster": "local", "group": "", "topic": "" } } My config file is below:


when I run bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 I get the following consumer groups..

console-consumer-98785 console-consumer-1054 console-consumer-70637 console-consumer-69177 console-consumer-16166 console-consumer-62362 console-consumer-24827 console-consumer-12034 console-consumer-72951

Why am I not able to get this list in burrow.

Also I am not able to get lag or other details for these consumer groups on burrow.

Can I get some help?


1 Answers


The console consumer uses the old consumer and creates groups in ZooKeeper by default. Burrow assumes the new consumer and expects the groups to be in Kafka.

Check if you can run the console consumer with --new flag so it will use the new consumer and therefore work with Burrow.