I am getting the following response when I hit /v2/kafka/local/consumer:
{ "error": false, "message": "consumer list returned", "consumers": [], "request": { "url": "/v2/kafka/local/consumer", "host": "EN-NavneetJ", "cluster": "local", "group": "", "topic": "" } } My config file is below:
when I run bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 I get the following consumer groups..
console-consumer-98785 console-consumer-1054 console-consumer-70637 console-consumer-69177 console-consumer-16166 console-consumer-62362 console-consumer-24827 console-consumer-12034 console-consumer-72951
Why am I not able to get this list in burrow.
Also I am not able to get lag or other details for these consumer groups on burrow.
Can I get some help?