
I have code that works for a monad that's constrained to have some state. I'm having a problem because the state has a type variable that requires the monad.

It looks like:

myget :: MonadState (MyState m A) m => m A

Now when I try to make it more specific, there's a problem. E.g. just with StateT (on some inner-monad im):

myget' :: StateT <loops here> im A
myget' :: StateT (MyState <loop> A) im A
myget' :: StateT (MyState (MyState <loop> A) A) im A
myget' :: StateT (MyState (MyState (MyState <loop> A) A) A) im A
myget' = myget

So obviously I can't write this type signature; I can't even leave it for type-inference.

How can I solve this?
I did kind of solve it by making myget (the first, general definition) work on a monad transformer instead, and it did work, but then the code doesn't play nicely with anything else (because usually people work with monads transformers as just monads), so it's not a really good solution.

Any ideas?

What does MyState look like, by the way?dfeuer
Can you define your own monad, MSM, with an instance that's something along the lines of MonadState (MyState MSM A) MSM?Tanner Swett
@dfeuer MyState m a looks like a record of {msValue :: a, msValidate :: m Bool} (in the actual code it's authentication data).MasterMastic

1 Answers


newtype to the rescue! A newtype or data declaration can break a loop.

newtype MS s m a = MS
  {getMS :: StateT (MyState (MS s m) s) m a}
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

deriving instance Monad m =>
  MonadState (MyState (MS s m) s) (MS s m)

instance MonadTrans (MS s) where
  lift = MS . lift