I have a parallel trinocular setup where all 3 cameras are alligned in a collinear fashion as depicted below.
The baseline (distance between cameras) between left and centre camera is the shortest and the baseline between left and right camera is the longest.
In theory I can obtain 3 sets of disparity images using different camera combinations (L-R, L-C and C-R).I can generate depth maps (3D points) for each disparity map using Triangulation. I now have 3 depth maps.
The L-C combination has higher depth accuracy (measured distance is more accurate) for objects that are near (since the baseline is short) whereas the L-R combination has higher depth accuracy for objects that are far(since the baseline is long). Similarly the C-R combination is accurate for objects at medium distance.
In stereo setups, normally we define the left (RGB) image as the reference image. In my project, by thresholding the depth values, I obtain an ROI on the reference image. For example I find all the pixels that have a depth value between 10-20m and find their respective pixel locations. In this case, I have a relationship between 3D points and their corresponding pixel location.
Since in normal stereo setups, we can have higher depth accuracy only for one of the two regions depending upon the baseline (near and far), I plan on using 3 cameras. This helps me to generate 3D points of higher accuracy for three regions (near, medium and far).
I now want to merge the 3 depth maps to obtain a global map. My problems are as follows -
- How to merge the three depth maps ?
- After merging, how do I know which depth value corresponds to which pixel location in the reference (Left RGB) image ?
Your help will be much appreciated :)