I'm trying to create a protocol and a couple of classes that conform to it. The protocol has an property which conforms to another protocol so the classes each need to have a property that matches.
This is (something like) what I'm trying so far:
protocol Edible {
func eat()
class Apple:Edible {
func eat() {
class Banana:Edible {
func eat() {
protocol Delicious {
func consume()
var fruit: Edible? { get set }
class ToffeeApple: Delicious {
func consume() {
print("I like toffee apples!")
// ...
var fruit: Apple?
class BananaSplit: Delicious {
func consume() {
print("Ah! A banana split!")
// ....
var fruit: Banana?
The (relevant) error I'm getting is "Type 'ToffeeApple' does not conform to protocol 'Delicious'" (and the same for Banana and BananaSplit too). I thought the properties Apple
and Banana
would satisfy the requirements as they both conform to Edible
as as fruit
does. Am I declaring one of these incorrectly or is this not possible?
Many thanks.