
I am using Wise for windows installer 5.0 to make a MSI. My doubt is can I read the registry entry from the MSI itself under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE..\uninstall\some_program 2.0. This some_program can be of several versions like 1.0 or 2.0 or 3.0 etc. Can I read "some_program" and store it in a property or somewhere so that I can use it to change the MSI installation GUI screens depending on the existense of this entry in the registry. I do not have access to any wisescript package editor or other softwares. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Is that other program installed using an MSI? If it is there are other options.PhilDW
Hi PhilDW, no the other program is not installed using a MSI. I got some help from this link. symantec.com/connect/articles/… . My only concern remains now if I could have read the registry from any version of the program , maybe by using a wildcard instead of the version number. eg HKLM\...\uninstall\some_program*\UninstallString but it seems I can't.Nirmalya Misra

1 Answers


Add a system search. I forget what Wise calls this, but it should be similar and executes when AppSearch fires. I have used Wise in the past and was able to accomplish similar things.