
I have read the following documentation on MSDN about how to register plugins.

I don't understand the the bolded part, perhaps someone can explain what it means:

If so, you must enable custom code on the server and try again. For more information see c3ee3447-ec0d-494e-8b35-4ec58ce93eea#bkmk_enablecode.

For more information see Guid- hash tag- bkmk_enablecode, I mean, i have read a lot of technical threads, but this makes no sense to me !

What is this?

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's asking for help using the content of another website.gunr2171
I'm closing this question as off-topic because it is not about a practical programming problem as outlined in the help center.Martijn Pieters

1 Answers


Looks like a link to a KB article that went wrong. My guess is that they want you to go to this location.

For the record, I've done mostly on-line stuff so on-prem is not my strongest suit. However, the guess above (please keep in mind it's a guess, although an educated one) should still be valid.