
I have installed DSS feature on ESB, but when i try to deploy DSS artifacts i get the following error:

WARN - DefaultAppDeployer Can't deploy artifact : EmployeeDataService of type : service/dataservice. Required features are not installed in the system

I saw this answer How to incorporate wso2 esb fix? but i am constrained to use ESB 4.9.x.

how can i apply the fix available at this link? (https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-15657) Do i need to re-compile the whole product?

does any of these patches (http://wso2.com/security-patch-releases/) include the fix?


I tested the following builds:

  • ESB490-RC4-Final/
  • 4.10.0-Releases/4.10.0-M2/

available at svn.wso2.org

ESB490-RC4-Final suffer the same problem; 4.10.0-M2 it show another problem: issue in installing DSS feature on wso2 ESB 5.0 (actually on a different library)


1 Answers


AFAIK this fix is not included in any security patch.

But you dont have to recompile and build the whole product. You can just patch the carbon-kernel component. For that

  1. Checkout the source at the this point or checkout carbon-kernel and do the change locally.
  2. Build carbon-kernel product.
  3. Locate to built WSO2 Carbon - Application Deployer jar (core/org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer/target/org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer.jar).
  4. follow this guide or this answer to create and install your own patch using the above jar.

Hope this helps.