We can sort the array regards to first column and replace elements of second column by their descending count
to obtain this array:
1 3
2 3
2 3
2 2
4 3
5 3
6 3
7 1
8 2
Then if we apply unique to this array indices of desirable rows can be obtained and then then those rows can be extracted:
1 1
2 2
4 1
5 4
6 4
7 3
8 2
If oreder of original data should be preserved more step required that commented in the code.
1 1
2 1
4 1
8 2
2 2
5 4
2 4
6 4
7 3];
%steps to replace counts of each element of column2 with it
[a2_sorted, i_a2_sorted] = sort(a(:,2));
[a2_sorted_unique, i_a2_sorted_unique] = unique(a2_sorted);
h = hist(a2_sorted, a2_sorted_unique);
%count = repelems(h, [1:numel(h); h]);%octave
count = repelem(h, h);
[~,a2_back_idx] = sort(i_a2_sorted);
count = count (a2_back_idx);
b = [a(:,1) , count.'];
%counts shoule be sorted in descending order
%because the unique function extracts last element from each category
[b_sorted i_b_sorted] =sortrows(b,[1 -2]);
[~, i_b1_sorted_unique] = unique(b_sorted(:,1));
c = [b_sorted(:,1) , a(i_b_sorted,2)];
out = c(i_b1_sorted_unique,:)
%more steps to recover the original order
[~,b_back_idx] = sort(i_b_sorted);
idx_logic = false(1,size(a,1));
idx_logic(i_b1_sorted_unique) = true;
idx_logic = idx_logic(b_back_idx);
out = c(b_back_idx(idx_logic),:)