
So I am trying to Archive my Xcode project to upload to the app store however I am getting the following error;

PBXp Error

error: /Users/User/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/APPNAME-aurgdfrsdgrsdgwzxglhhaw/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/APPNAME/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/MyBundle.bundle: No such file or directory

I have tried;

  • Deleting Derived Data
  • Build and Run Bundle
  • Changing Project/Build Settings "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" to Yes
  • Editing Bundle Schema and adding framework

Does anybody have any ideas why this is happening & how to resolve ?


The files are shown as missing when dragging and dropping the project into my project;

enter image description here

I am unable to run the project without the PBXp error until I run each target individually. Then the project runs fine.

However It is still an issue when archiving.

Are you using XConfig files for managing your xcodeproj ?ColdSteel
Is there a build phase to copy the bundle into your app?Drew McCormack
@user3351949 Nope, I simply tagged and dropped following these instructions github.com/drewmccormack/ensemblesJUSDEV
@DrewMcCormack not to sure what you mean sorry, I have removed the When dragging and dropping the Ensembles iOS.xcodeproj into my project the files are shown as missing, until I run the different targets individually. If I don't I get the error when running the project. After running the targets I can then run the project, however I now get the issue when archiving.JUSDEV
@DrewMcCormack I have updated the questionJUSDEV

1 Answers


The problem is probably that the Ensembles.bundle is not being built in your Release build for archiving.

Add Ensembles Resources iOS as a dependency of your own app. That will ensure it builds before your app, including the Release build. You set that in the Build Phases tab of your app's target.