I'm looking for a way to enable multi row select in a DataGridView-Control but disable multi cell select.
What I've tried so far:
- DataGridView.MultiSelect = true allows to select multi rows and cells
- ClearSelection() in DataGridView_CellMouseClick-Event and re-select the last selected cell doesn't look very nice (you see the old cell deselect and then the new cell select; SuspendLayout() and ResumeLayout() doesn't help)
- DataGridView.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect is not an option: If the user clicks a cell, it should only this cell get selected
It's for an export function: The user should be able to export selected rows to a file but in general he should not be able to select more than one cell (for copy & paste etc.).
----- [UPDATE] -----
Here's my implementation. Works fine (comments removed for compactness):
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace YourAmazingNamespace
public partial class SpecialSelectDataGridView: DataGridView
public SpecialSelectDataGridView()
protected override void SetSelectedCellCore(int columnIndex, int rowIndex, bool selected)
base.SetSelectedCellCore(columnIndex, rowIndex, selected);
void ResetSelectedCells()
foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in SelectedCells) {
base.SetSelectedCellCore(cell.ColumnIndex, cell.RowIndex, false);
Multiple rows are selected through MultiSelect = true (default value) and currently selected cells are resetted by calling ResetSelectedCells() before selecting the new one.
HTH, thanks and regards,