
I am moving my blog from Wordpress to GitHub pages. I used Barry Clark's instructions here: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/08/build-blog-jekyll-github-pages/ for getting started using Jekyll and GitHub Pages. More specifically, I have forked the jekyll-now repository, renamed it, and have successfully served up a minimal working website at https://aaronmams.github.io.

I have added a simple first post but, after hours of reading SO posts and other blog posts, am still unable to include equations in a post.

Here is what I have done:

  1. added the MathJax javascript to the file aaronmams.github.io/_layouts/page.html as suggested here http://gastonsanchez.com/opinion/2014/02/16/Mathjax-with-jekyll/
  2. I also added the MathJax javascript to the file aaronmams.github.io/_layouts as was suggested here Using MathJax with Jekyll

  3. I added the following line to an existing post:


I commit all changes and navigate to https://aaronmams.github.io/test and I can see that the quantity inside $$ $$ has not been printed.

  1. I even tried adding the MathJax javascript directly to the post (test.md) as suggested by Carl here: https://github.com/cboettig/sandbox/blob/master/R-tricks/math.Rmd

I realize that some variant of this question has been asked many times. However, I've read all the SO threads I could find and I'm no closer to getting equations rendered on my blog.

Can anyone offer some advice here?

embarrassingly, the problem has been solved. I originally used:<script type="text/javascript" src="cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/…"> </script> as the MathJax javascript...I needed https://....aaronmams

1 Answers


I changed the MathJax js link from




and things are working great...I should have caught that earlier. sorry.