I have a barebone arm controller compiled with the gcc-arm-none-eabi toolchanin. I notice that asking malloc() for 132 bytes which in turn causes malloc() to call sbrk() twice, first asking for size 152 B and next asking for 4100 B before returning.
Malloc() is in this case called from sprintf(), and it seem that each formatter (%d, %f, ...) allocates its own memory. Repeted use of one identifier does not result in more allocation. It is when %f is used that the 4100 B is allocated.
4 kB is in this case not a problem. But I would like to know that it does not ask for another similar amount.
Should malloc allocate this much?
Is there anything I can set to prevent it?
Should I worry that malloc might ask for even more space (without reason)?
The sbrk code is not the one provided from the toolchain. malloc is wrapped so I can see what happens.
char *_cur_brk;
void *_sbrk_r(struct _reent *reent, ptrdiff_t diff)
void *_old_brk = _cur_brk;
monitor_printf("_sbrk_r called with size = %d. cur_brk = %p \t", diff, _cur_brk);
void * ptr;
ptr = __builtin_return_address(0);
monitor_printf("Called from %d: %p\t", 0, ptr );
extdiff = diff;
if ( (_cur_brk + diff ) > _HeapLimit ) {
sbrk_error += 1;
errno = ENOMEM;
monitor_printf(" failed, cur_brk=%d, HeapLimit=%d", _cur_brk, _HeapLimit);
return (void *)-1;
sbrk_error = 0;
_cur_brk += diff;
monitor_printf("return %p", _old_brk);
return _old_brk;
void * __wrap__malloc_r( struct _reent *reent, size_t size )
void * ret;
monitor_printf("wrap_malloc_r called with size = %d.", size);
ret = __real__malloc_r( reent, size );
return ret;
output of call to malloc(132)
wrap_malloc_r called with size = 132.
_sbrk_r called with size = 152. cur_brk = 0x20005f64 Called from 0: 0x801311b
return 0x20005f64
_sbrk_r called with size = 4100. cur_brk = 0x20005ffc Called from 0: 0x8013181
return 0x20005ffc
Memory allocated at 0x20005f70lling malloc(132)
thanks /johan
indeed makes no sense, but you can't just assume that the same holds for joing here. – MSaltersmalloc
might set up a 4kB page of bookkeeping on the first call – MSalters