
I am trying to install following feature in wso2 API manager 2.0.


but I am getting error in API manager's console while installations.

It seems the above package is not compatible for 2.0 version.

Please suggest me the exact version of 'Application Authenticator' feature which is compatible with wso2 AM version 2.0.

Thanks in advance

WSO2 API Manager 2.0 is based on Carbon 4.4.7 (Wilkes). Hence you need to use P2 repository for Carbon 4.4.x i.e. product-dist.wso2.com/p2/carbon/releases/wilkes. Can you verify whether you have added the correct repository?Lasantha Samarakoon
I tried with windows 10 ,Is there any chance to get error ?Jamsheer
No. What is the feature repository URL you have added? dist.wso2.org/p2/carbon/releases/turing or product-dist.wso2.com/p2/carbon/releases/wilkes (Step 2 in the above blog post you have given)?Lasantha Samarakoon
tried with both links ,but getting error as followsJamsheer
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency. Software being installed: OpenID Connect Application Authenticator Server Feature 5.0.7 (org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.oidc.server.feature.group 5.0.7) Software currently installed: Identity Application Management Server Feature 5.2.0Jamsheer

1 Answers


It seems the p2 repos are still not updated with the latest Authenticator versions based on Identity Application Management Server Feature 5.2.0 or above. This will be updated soon with the next release.

However you can use WSO2 IS for this use case. You can configure SSO for APIM with IS using this link . Then you can federate IS for OpenAM with this link . With that you can connect APIM with openAM.

Hope this helps.