
I'd like to customize entirely the ExoPlayer Media Controller, separating the Controller from the View itself.

I saw several posts about Exoplayer 1 version (this one is really useful: Custom UI on exoplayer sample) but nothing about Exoplayer 2 (which is what I'm using).

The code between versions 1 and 2 is changed and I cannot find any way to retrieve the same MediaController as in the version 1.

Could you help me?


2 Answers


Press Ctrl+Shift+N find exo_simple_player_view.xml in ExoPlayer library resources, copy it to your own resources and customize it as you wish, but don't change view ids.
It works only if you are using SimpleExoPlayerView (it will automatically search for layout with such id and use it)


the ExoPlayer Media Controller is declare in SimpleExoPlayerView, so you should use custom view instead of SimpleExoPlayerView.