This is what is being shown in the unity debugger when I look at the list of Items. It is seeing the baseball bat as an Item type, not WeaponItem type.
This is currently all I have in my ItemsContainer ( my old file has the bloated xml file)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--Weapon Items-->
<WeaponItem Name = "Baseball Bat" ID="501">
<!--General Info-->
<Description>A wooden bat that may have belonged to somone famous</Description>
<!--Weapon Item-->
I'm working on a complex inventory system for a 2D game in Unity.
I read game data with XML serialization and have set up a drag/drop system that works using an Item class. I've also gotten pretty far with a dialogue system that can tell what items are in certain characters inventories.
Want to be able to downcast to an item subclass in order to access specific data about it on a UI hover (At least that's what I think I need to do), or find another solution on how to setup my item database
For eg:
- When you hover over a WeaponItem - it shows you damage information + desc
- When you hover over a general Item - it only shows you desc
What I have right now is a very bloated Items.xml file that has all tags necessary, regardless of item category. This is really painful to maintain as I come up with new Items and categories - so I wanted to try inheritance.
At first, my initial approach was:
<!-- Generic tags or attributes: ID, Name, Description etc -->
<!-- Other tags that define the item, is there in every item!-->
and now it's this:
<!-- Generic tags or attributes: ID, Name, Description etc -->
<!-- WeaponItem specific tags: Damage, Targets Etc -->
<!-- Generic tags or attributes: ID, Name, Description etc -->
<!-- ClothingItem specific tags: Exposure, ArmorRating Etc -->
My Item class looks like this:
public class Item
public string Name;
public int ID;
// General Info
public string Description;
public virtual string GetDetails()
"\nName: " + Name +
"\nID: " + ID +
"\nDescription: " + Description;
While my subclass WeaponItem looks like this:
class WeaponItem : Item
public int Damage;
public int Targets;
public override string GetDetails()
base.ToString() +
"\nDamage: " + Damage +
"\nTargets: " + Targets;
Here's what my ItemsContainer looks like:
public class ItemsContainer
[XmlArray("Items"),XmlArrayItem("WeaponItem"), XmlArrayItem("ClothingItem"),...]
public List<Item> Items = new List<Item>();
public static ItemsContainer Load(string path)
TextAsset _xml = Resources.Load<TextAsset>(path);
XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ItemsContainer));
StringReader reader = new StringReader(_xml.text);
ItemsContainer items = Serializer.Deserialize(reader) as ItemsContainer;
return items;
My ItemUI class contains:
- Item variable
- Several public game objects (I have a prefab of the game object this class is attached to)
- OnDrag, EndDrag, BeginDrag methods
What I want to do in ItemUI - is sort of something like this:
public void HoverOn()
if(Item.Class == "Weapon")
WeaponItem WeaponItem = (WeaponItem) Item; // Downcast Fail
Damage.txt = WeaponItem.GetDamage() + "";
else if(Item.Class = "Clothing")
ClothingItem ClothingItem = (ClothingItem) Item; // Downcast Fail
Exposure.txt = ClothingItem.GetExposure() + "";
With the fact that I want my items in separate categories in XML, how would I accomplish showing Item information based on the subclass of the Item, if all I have at the time of access is a higher level Item class type?
, but it certainly sounds like it's not deserializing to the specific types... – Jon SkeetXmlArrayItem("WeaponItem", Type=typeof(WeaponItem))
etc - but I don't know enough about XML serialization to know if that would work. I'd experiment with this outside Unity btw, just because it'll be a simpler environment to prototype in. – Jon Skeet