I am a gulp newbie. I am using VS 2015 Update 3 to do my project. For that project, I have several service and controller classes that are written using TypeScript. I use gulp to sort, concat, uglify those angular js files that are transpiled by .ts files. Here the orders of service and controller files are important so I use "gulp-angular-filesort" recipe before concatenating those files. I try 2 versions.
For version 1 (see codes below. The task is named as "min:appcompExp"), I list js files in order explicitly in the gulpfile.js file, and the resulted minified (min) file is working and there is no problem when I run my project.
For version 2 (see codes below. The task is named as "min:appcompExp2"), I use wild cards for listing SOURCE js file names for shorting codes in the gulpfile.js. However, the resulted minified (min) file is created but it it not working when I run my project. The error looks like dependency injection issue: controllers cannot find their corresponding service DI although I see the resulted min file for this version contains all service and controller classes in it. I use ngularFilesort = require("gulp-angular-filesort"), but it does not help for Version 2.
One specific DI error with Version 2 using gulp:
Error: $injector:unpr
Unknown Provider
Unknown provider: ContactSrvcProvider <- ContactSrvc <- ContactCtrl
Can somebody please explain why using wild cards for SOURCE js file names is not working with gulp?
The following is my gulpfile.js that lists 2 versions of concat and uglify service and controller classes:
This file in the main entry point for defining Gulp tasks and using Gulp plugins.
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var gulp = require("gulp"),
inject = require("gulp-inject"),
concat = require("gulp-concat"),
print = require("gulp-print"),
angularFilesort = require("gulp-angular-filesort"),
uglify = require("gulp-uglify"),
rimraf = require("rimraf");
// concatenated/bundled files
// vendor js scripts
var pathsCssSrc = "./bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/*.min.css";
var pathsNglibSrc = [
"./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js", // must before "bootstrap.min.js"
var pathsAppmoduleSrc = [
// destinations
var pathsDest = { build: ".build/", subspa : "spa/", indexfile : "./index.html" };
pathsDest.cssDest = pathsDest.build + "css/appStyles.min.css";
pathsDest.nglibDest = pathsDest.build + "nglib/nglib.min.js";
pathsDest.appModuleDest = pathsDest.build + pathsDest.subspa + "app.min.js";
// tasks
////// services, controllers
gulp.task("min:appcompExp", function () {
// I explictly list ALL of js file names and their orders of js file names are important.
// The resulted min js file working when I run my project.
var target = gulp.src(pathsDest.indexfile); // important: root folder must be specified before file name "index.html"
var comp = gulp.src([ "app/services/SessionSrvc.js",
var dest = ".build/spa/appcomp.min.js";
return target
.pipe(uglify()) // Minifies the concatenated js file.
.pipe(gulp.dest(".")) // important: otherwise there is no files stored
, { name: "appcomp" }))
.pipe(gulp.dest("./")); // important: root folder must be specified like so
gulp.task("min:appcompExp2", function () {
// using wild cards for SOURCE js codes for shorting codes
// I got runtime error when running my project: DI problem - controllers cannot find their service classes.
var target = gulp.src(pathsDest.indexfile); // important: root folder must be specified before file name "index.html"
var comp = gulp.src(["app/services/*.js",
var dest = ".build/spa/appcomp.min.js";
return target
.pipe(angularFilesort()) // this does not help though
.pipe(uglify()) // Minifies the concatenated js file.
.pipe(gulp.dest(".")) // important: otherwise there is no files stored
, { name: "appcomp" }))
.pipe(gulp.dest("./")); // important: root folder must be specified like so