
4 out of 5 pushs of my Nuget packages to our Team Services (was TFS Online) feed fail with the following exception:

System.IO.IOException: Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

Nuget v3 My package is around 90mb Authentication tokens and VSS tokens both fail with the same issue Fails locally and on the build server with the same exception

Any idea what is causing this exception?

It is working fine for me to publish package to VSTS through Nuget tool. My steps: 1. Download Nuget tool 2. Create PAT 3. Add feed source to Nuget (Nugget source add -name “XX” -source [feed address] -username “xx” -password “[PAT]”) 4. Publish package. What're your steps? What do you mean 90mb Authentication tokens and VSS tokens?starian chen-MSFT
The file is 90mb. It seems TFS times out after 2 minutesDan
I succeed publishing a package (98.5Mb) to VSTS feed. What's your detail steps to create Authentication token, VSS token and publish package.starian chen-MSFT
Using either the VSS.exe to authenticate, or access tokens created via tfs online result in the same step. Its not the size of the file, its the duration it takes to upload. After 2 minutes (I have timed it) it fails. Doing the upload on a different network it uploads fine. so it seems the issue is with tfsDan

1 Answers


The solution is publishing package to VSTS feed in a faster network.

On the other hand, I submit a user voice here that you could vote it.