Given that you've stated you are seeing pageviews and exceptions, and that you have a class i'm presuming 2 things about your project:, using the .net ApplicationInsights.Web, etc nuget packages
web pages, using the Javascript application insights snippet+etc.
Given those 2 assumptions, i'm presuming your custom events are in the c# code?
If you're seeing pageviews and browser exceptions, that means the instrumentation key being used by the javascript code is one thing, (probably hardcoded directly in _layout.cshtml or something similar?) and the instrumentation key used by the code is something else, (probably coming from applicationinsights.config file?)
If you've changed the instrumentation key in one place, make sure you've changed it in both.
One way to verify this is to use something like Fiddler, and go to your site, and watch for calls to
(those are calls from the sdks to send data). the javascript code will make some calls, and the code will make its own calls. inside the outbound data will be instrumentation keys, and you can se which one is using which, and which one you need to fix.