
I have a question regarding my Spotfire model.

In the Pivottable which we have formed, we have agents, we have an average column in the Pivot table for the sales quantity and a 'MostCommon' sales quantity value per Agent.

Now, as another expression, I want to add a column counting the MostCommon value per Agent? Can anyone give some guidance?

So finally we will display the agent, the average sales per agent, the most common sales quantity, then a count of how many times the most common sales value occurs per agent.

Kind regards

Should your additional column should be based off the pivoted data, or the raw data?scsimon
Hi there. Originally thought it would be possible in the Pivot, although have resorted to added calculated columns, works perfectly. I was missing the "over Agents" step below in the solution.user4242750

1 Answers


@user4242750 - I have added 'most common' column in the raw data table with the expression below.

MostCommon([Sales]) over ([Agent])

Based on this column, created another column ' count_mostcommon' which puts 1 if it finds the most common value in sales column.

if([Sales]=[most common],1,null)

Created a cross table from this raw table and added avg(sales) and count(count_mostcommon) aggregations.

most common sales

Note: Created 'most common' column for explanation purpose. You can avoid creating it as a separate column and can include the expression directly in 'count_mostcommon' column expression as shown below

if([Sales]=MostCommon([Sales]) over ([Agent]),1,null)