
I am using Laravel 5.3.I deleted one of my migration files name 'feature' and everything related to it very carefully like its id from other tables etc.then i manually deleted the table from database.But now while i'm running the command "php artisan migrate:refresh".It's showing error exception with 'undefined index:***_create_features_table'.And when I'm running just 'php artisan migrate'.it shows that it was successful and all the tables successfully appear in the database.but then when i run migrate:refresh all the table disappears.what should i do to completely delete the migration file?

have you tried to truncate migration table?Manish
no.can you please mention how i suppose to do that?Sazrit Mustafa
In your database you have a table name migrations. There all migrate information saved. first delete all records. After that run php artisan migrate. This may help youManish
tried your solution..now its even not taking the migrate commandSazrit Mustafa
If the problem persist. please follow the below procedure.Manish

5 Answers


Try this.

First Manually delete the migration file under app/database/migrations/my_migration_file_name.php

Reset the composer autoload files: composer dump-autoload

Modify your database: Remove the last entry from the migrations table


Here is what I did.I cleared all the data from the database including all tables and then ran 'php artisan migrate'..that is how i made it work..But i am looking for a better solution which will not need to delete everything from the database.


Try check that you have the correct migrations first

php artisan migrate:status

Then you can try something like

php artisan migrate:refresh --step=1

And check again the status.


If you have Undefined index error and your migration was made with --path option, then add to your ModuleServiceProvier boot() method:


With my case, I forgot to do the Laravel migrate before running Infyomlabs to create scaffold! So one of the reasons for "Undefined index" is that the table is not there yet.