
I have done the following:

  1. Created an account on Bluemix and added the "Mobile Foundation" service.
  2. I have then logged into the MobileFirst Operations Console and created an iOS application
  3. Downloaded the sample c=Cordova application and added platform iOS
  4. The sample application has a button to test ping, which fails

I need the host name, port and wlservercontext to be set in the mfpclient.plist file. How/From where can I get these?

descriptor file

Thanks I tried this, but was getting the following errorMickelle Dsouza

1 Answers


You need to register your application with the MobileFirst Server instance that you're running in the Mobile Foundation service.

Did you read the tutorial...? See here: https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/tutorials/en/foundation/8.0/quick-start/

What you want to do is:

  1. Ensure that you have the MobileFirst CLI installed (npm install mfpdev-cli)
  2. Add the remote server to the CLI (mfpdev server add, see example here
  3. Register the app:

    • Navigate to the project root folder in command-line
    • Run the command: mfpdev app register your-remote-server-name-from-step-2 - This step adds the details you've mentioned into the .plist file.
  4. Build the app again in Xcode