I am using Spring Batch and JPA to process a Batch Job and perform updates. I am using the default Repository implementations.
And I am using a repository.save to save the modified object in the processor. Also,I don't have any @Transactional Annotation specified in the processor or writer.
I don't see any exceptions throughout. The selects happen fine.
Is there any setting like "setAutoCommit(true)" that I should be using for the JPA to save the data in the DB.
Here is my step,reader and writer config: Also, my config class is annotated with EnableBatchProcessing
public class UpgradeBatchConfiguration extends DefaultBatchConfigurer{
private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;
protected JobRepository createJobRepository() throws Exception {
JobRepositoryFactoryBean factory = new JobRepositoryFactoryBean();
return factory.getObject();
@Bean(name = "updateFilenetJobStep")
public Step jobStep(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,
@Qualifier("updateFileNetReader") RepositoryItemReader reader,
@Qualifier("updateFileNetWriter") ItemWriter writer,
@Qualifier("updateFileNetProcessor") ItemProcessor processor) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("jobStep").allowStartIfComplete(true).chunk(1).reader(reader).processor(processor)
@Bean(name = "updateFileNetWriter")
public ItemWriter getItemWriter() {
return new BatchItemWriter();
@Bean(name = "updateFileNetReader")
public RepositoryItemReader<Page<TermsAndConditionsErrorEntity>> getItemReader(
TermsAndConditionsErrorRepository repository) {
RepositoryItemReader<Page<TermsAndConditionsErrorEntity>> reader = new RepositoryItemReader<Page<TermsAndConditionsErrorEntity>>();
HashMap<String, Direction> map = new HashMap<String, Direction>();
map.put("transactionId", Direction.ASC);
return reader;
And in the writer this is what I am using Repository.save