I'm trying to compile the following program from Shipman's Unix System Programming with Standard ML:
structure Main=
fun main(arg0, argv) =
case argv of
[] => ()
| (first::rest) =>
print first;
app (fn arg => (print " "; print arg)) rest;
print "\n"
val _ = SMLofNJ.exportFn("echo", main)
My .cm file looks like:
group is
When I run CM.make "echo.sml";
I get the following error message:
gotchops@gotchops-vm:~/Documents/USPwSML/Ch2/echo$ CM_ROOT=echo.cm sml
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.80 [built: Fri Sep 16 22:36:30 2016]
- CM.make "echo.sml";
[library $smlnj/cm/cm.cm is stable]
[library $smlnj/internal/cm-sig-lib.cm is stable]
[library $/pgraph.cm is stable]
[library $smlnj/internal/srcpath-lib.cm is stable]
[library $SMLNJ-BASIS/basis.cm is stable]
[library $SMLNJ-BASIS/(basis.cm):basis-common.cm is stable]
[autoloading done]
[scanning echo.sml]
echo.sml:7.11 Error: illegal character: [
echo.sml:7.12 Error: illegal character: ]
echo.sml:1.2-1.16 Error: syntax error: deleting STRUCTURE ML_ID
echo.sml:6.9 Error: syntax error: inserting RPAREN
echo.sml:8.17-8.19 Error: syntax error: deleting COLON COLON
echo.sml:11.14 Error: syntax error: replacing LPAREN with RPAREN
echo.sml:11.32-11.34 Error: syntax error: deleting FILE_NATIVE
echo.sml:11.47 Error: syntax error: inserting LPAREN
echo.sml:12.16-12.19 Error: syntax error: replacing FILE_NATIVE with LPAREN
echo.sml:13.10 Error: syntax error: inserting LPAREN
echo.sml:17.30-17.35 Error: syntax error: deleting FILE_NATIVE
echo.sml:19.1 Error: syntax error found at EOF
val it = false : bool
However, when I run use "echo.sml";
from the toplevel I can compile just fine. Anyone know what's wrong?