I use Twilio iOS SDK for my iOS Voip application.
I'm trying to call from my Voip application to any numbers I stacked in some points though.
I already confirmed that Http request is sent to my app request url which I set on the url both when I make outgoing call from my Voip application and when get incoming call to my Voip application.
In short, below is the flow which I think it true when I call from my Voip application
type the number and call (iOS Voip Application ) -> the request url is called and returns TwiML to call number I typed(my server side) -> call to the number(Twilio Service) -> get call(phone)
What is the best practice to call from Voip to any numbers?
- can I set different request url for incoming and outgoing call separately in one application on the Twilio console, or we have a way to judge if it's incoming or outgoing call by parameter?
What kind of TwiML I should return when I want to make an outgoing call from my Voip Application to the phone?
- My server side script returns
when the request url which I set was called to call from my Voip application, but it failed unfortunately and recorded not as outgoing call but as incoming call on Twilio call logs. I know I should return<Response><Dial><Client>name</Client></Dial></Response>
when it comes to get an incoming call I think it's not appropriate for outgoing one though.
- My server side script returns
Kind Regards.
Below is the request I got for incoming call from any phone numbers to my Twilio number and the TwiML I return to call my Twilio number in Voip application. It's working well.
<QueryDict: {u'FromZip': [u''], u'From': [u'+8190xxxxxxxx'], u'FromCity': [u''], u'ApiVersion': [u'2010-04-01'], u'ApplicationSid': [u'AP192f34d8a08f17592163af2c6cxxxxxx'], u'To': [u'+8150xxxxxxxx'], u'ForwardedFrom': [u'050xxxxxxxx'], u'CallStatus': [u'ringing'], u'CalledState': [u''], u'FromState': [u''], u'Direction': [u'inbound'], u'ToCity': [u''], u'ToZip': [u''], u'CallerCity': [u''], u'FromCountry': [u'JP'], u'CalledCity': [u''], u'CalledCountry': [u'JP'], u'Caller': [u'+8190xxxxxxxx'], u'CallerZip': [u''], u'AccountSid': [u'AC41ebdf749095141bfdb182fbd8fxxxxx'], u'CalledVia': [u'050xxxxxxxx'], u'Called': [u'+8150xxxxxxxx'], u'CallerCountry': [u'JP'], u'CalledZip': [u''], u'CallSid': [u'CA7afa3aae965d9207b7e8b065e9dxxxxx'], u'CallerState': [u''], u'ToCountry': [u'JP'], u'ToState': [u'']}>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response><Dial><Client>name</Client></Dial></Response>
While the incoming call does work well, below is the debugged outgoing call request from my Voip application to any phone numbers via my server and the TwiML I returned. It has failed to call and I confirmed the Twilio call log shows no 'To' number while 'From' number is my client name which I used for capability.allow_client_incoming(my client name). [request]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response><Dial><Number>090xxxxxxxx</Number></Dial></Response>