Rundown Ok guys and gals need a little help with this. Basically I'm instantiating a healthPack from a prefab in an open position. After a certain time elapses I am trying to destroy the HealthPack if it isn't picked up, set a bool healthPackExist back to false, and instantiate another healthPack at a free position.
Problem: When I've attempted to access the gameObject being instantiated I end up either destroying the whole Parent Hierarchy or just wiping the script out.
Solutions I've tried destroying the root object, searching for the name of the created object, adding a tag to the object (Health Pack) and searching for it always getting errors.
Code is below:
public GameObject healthPackPrefab;
public GameObject health;
private float healthTimer;
private bool healthExist;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
//set healthExist to false to indicate no health packs exist on game start
healthExist = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
//first check to see if a health pack exist, if not call method to spawn a health pack
//otherwise check to see if one exist and if it does is it's timer created with it
//has been passed by Time.time (returns game clock time), if yes destroy the created
//health pack.
if (healthExist == false)
spawnUntilFull ();
else if (healthExist == true && Time.time > healthTimer)
//Error occuring here when trying to destroy
//Destroy(transform.root.gameObject) //destroys script, object scripts on, and prefab
Destroy(this.gameObject); //does same as Destroy(transform.root.gameObject
healthExist = false;
Transform NextFreePosition()
//free space
foreach (Transform childPositionGameObject in transform)
//if no health packs located return location of child object to spawn new health pack
if (childPositionGameObject.childCount == 0)
return childPositionGameObject;
return null;
void spawnUntilFull()
//returns next free position in space
Transform freePosition = NextFreePosition ();
//if free slot is available
if (freePosition && healthExist == false)
//instantiates health object and places it in scene at coordinates received from
health = Instantiate (healthPackPrefab, freePosition.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
//spawns enemy onto a position under the Parent (Enemy Formation)
health.transform.parent = freePosition;
//set bool to true to stop spawning
healthExist = true;
//seat HealthTimer to 5 seconds after creation for use in Update method
healthTimer = Time.time + 5.0f;