I'm experiencing that table view cells no longer obey the alpha value that is passed to them upon setting the color property in iOS10. I began to see this in the beta but was hoping that it would be fixed and my post on the apple dev forums has been ignored. For example the color code below no longer works when I assign it to a table view cell (it worked until now).
define TABLE_50_RED [UIColor colorWithRed:128.0 green:0 blue:0.0 alpha:0.3]
cell.backgroundColor = TABLE_50_RED;
I can set the alpha on the entire cell but that also does the text as well - and is not desired. Setting the alpha on the text color to 1.0 also doesn't counteract the alpha of the cell.
Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Any suggestions?
UIColor colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:
. Note the valid range for each value. – rmaddy