I've started using emacs a few days ago, and I'm facing a problem when using git in the emacs shell (M-x shell). When I 'git commit' or 'git commit --amend', it opens vim to edit and save the commit message. I'm ok with that, but I can't find a way to save and exit vim, since hitting ESC does not trigger vim Normal Mode, and ESC is my emacs metakey. I tryed changing my git editor to emacs, but it doesn't work either, it seems like emacs shell cannot run emacs, and it doesn't open a new buffer like I thought it would.
emacs: Terminal type "dumb" is not powerful enough to run Emacs.
Is there a way I can use git command-line (I'd rather not have to use a git front-end client like magit, ...) with the emacs shell ?
Thanks, Robin
to get out of insert mode for a single command so<C-o>:wq<CR>
should do the trick. – romainl