I have a Shiny app with a slider input and I would like to set the maximum possible value for the slider based on a maximum value in the dataset uploaded by the user. The max distance will change based on the dataset uploaded.
Here is a minimum working example of what I am trying to do. Below I just hardcode the number for the maxdistance, but in my code it is calculated:
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput("range_one", "Core:", min = 0, max = textOutput("maxdistance"), value = c(0,0))
server <- function(input,output) {
output$maxdistance <- renderText({
maxdistance <- 250
I get the following error:
Error in max - min : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Which makes sense because I as asking for a text output, so how do I get this output as a numeric value for use in the sliderInput() function?
to update the slider on the server side. – Xiongbing Jin