
I am actually coming from to this question Jenkins Github Plugin can't choose my credentials. I followed the steps of integrating github plugin to my jenkins for automatic builds whenever something is pushed to master.

I followed the official documentation https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Github+Plugin.

  1. I created private git server tokens till Step 2.
  2. In my jenkins "credentials" page, I have the newly created "secret" using my username and password. Fine.

Real Problem The newly created Oath-Token-Secret cannot be accessed in the credentials dropdown.Problem-image

I have removed the private git URL from the screenshot for security reasons, but I have entered it before trying to select credentials.

Jenkins version : 2.20


2 Answers


The Step 2.2 mentions:

Note that credentials are filtered by entered GH url with help of domain requirements.
So you can create credentials in different domains and see only credentials that matched by predefined domains.

Is it possible that, in your case, you should enter the GitHub private repo url first; before attempting to select a credential?


The secret text credentials plugin was 'excluded' in the configuration. Adding it back, solved it.