
On an aws ec2 Instance Ubuntu 14.04 , I have setup openfire using This Link .

This just a test server so no worries there , the firewall is off , the security group of aws allows all traffic from all IP and I checked via telnet ports are reachable , I can login to admin Also I set the server public ip as servers IP/Domain when I setup the server for first time to create admin account.

Now my issue is Created a user but when i use any xmpp client like spark or Instandbird or any common xmpp app on iphone or andorid it can not connect.

Public Dns : ec2-52-45-76-95.compute-1.amazonaws.com

public ip :

For any one to test I created users like :

Username : vishal
password is Vrin@1234

Username :kush
password is 123

If any one wants admin credentials you can ask I can provide as I am just testing this one blank server.

Can any one know the reason why it is not connecting ?

Btw the server screenenter image description here

I just checked the provided details, and i am able to successfully login using vishal user. Don't know how you are trying to connect. It's working fine.Shoaib Ahmad Gondal
@ShoaibAhmadGondal - Same issue I have too, can you please elaborate more or put your code here for connection?iPatel
@iPatel - I simply logged-in from desktop client (Spark) using the provided details by Kush. I haven't wrote any code as Kush stated he is not able to login using a desktop client. If you are unable to perform XMPP Login with code, can you try with a desktop client, just to make sure that server is properly running.Shoaib Ahmad Gondal
@Shoaib Thanks for Replying Hello, It Would be appreciated if you shared a Screenshot of spark client what settings you used ?Kush Vyas

1 Answers


I have tested the login using Spark and it's working fine.

enter image description here

enter image description here