
I have reviewed countless references to try to understand why my scene is not behaving the way i expected it to, such as this.

Here is my very simple SKScene (2 child nodes):

  • The scene has a SpriteNode (which covers the entire scene as a background image). This has a zPosition = 0.
  • The scene has a 2nd node (SKNode) which itself has another child (up to 2 levels). This has a zPosiiton - 2.
  • ALL nodes have .userInteractionEnabled = false


When i click anywhere all i see is that the 1st child (SpriteNode) is touched. The 2nd child (SKNode) is never touch-detected.

Note that the z-ordering of the Nodes are being rendered as I expect them. It is the touch-detection that doesnt appear to be working.

Snippet of my touchesBegan method:

       for touch in touches {
            let touchLocation = touch.locationInNode(self)
            let sceneTouchPoint = self.convertPointToView(touchLocation)
            let touchedNode = self.nodeAtPoint(sceneTouchPoint)
            if (touchedNode.name != nil) {
                print("Touched = \(touchedNode.name! as String)")
You said userInteractionEnabled is false, no touches should be recognizedKnight0fDragon
If all your touch code is done on the scene level, then you need to use nodeAtPoint to get the node you are touching, which gets you the deepest node in the tree, not the node of the highest zpositionKnight0fDragon
oh I see your problem let sceneTouchPoint = self.convertPointToView(touchLocation) delete that, touchLocation IS your sceneTouchPointKnight0fDragon
no, how it works is you touch the scene first, you get a scene coordinate, then you ask the scene what nodes are at this scene coordinate, then you process your code based on whatever method you want to use to determine the node touchedKnight0fDragon
the touch collection is how many fingers is touching the sceneKnight0fDragon

2 Answers


I had several layers of nodes because I used a mask over my game with buttons to make selections and move forward. I had issues with the buttons not working until I made a "startState:Bool = true" and updated this to false when the start screen was clicked through. I then had each of my buttons on that start page to have && startState==true for there clicks to be taken. It may be that your clicks are being recorded - but its not the node you think you are using. I would put print("NodeXXX") on each entry in touches and give it a unique name so you can see where the touches are actually happening.

Hope that helps.

Best regards, mpe


I had a similar issue (background in z: 999 + spawning "ducks" nodes in z: <999) that I solved with the following code in Swift 4:

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    let touch:UITouch = touches.first!
    let positionInScene = touch.location(in: self)
    let touchedNodes = self.nodes(at: positionInScene)
    for touch in touchedNodes {
        let touchName = touch.name
        if (touchName != nil && touchName!.hasPrefix("pato_")) {