I have reviewed countless references to try to understand why my scene is not behaving the way i expected it to, such as this.
Here is my very simple SKScene (2 child nodes):
- The scene has a SpriteNode (which covers the entire scene as a background image). This has a zPosition = 0.
- The scene has a 2nd node (SKNode) which itself has another child (up to 2 levels). This has a zPosiiton - 2.
- ALL nodes have .userInteractionEnabled = false
When i click anywhere all i see is that the 1st child (SpriteNode) is touched. The 2nd child (SKNode) is never touch-detected.
Note that the z-ordering of the Nodes are being rendered as I expect them. It is the touch-detection that doesnt appear to be working.
Snippet of my touchesBegan method:
for touch in touches {
let touchLocation = touch.locationInNode(self)
let sceneTouchPoint = self.convertPointToView(touchLocation)
let touchedNode = self.nodeAtPoint(sceneTouchPoint)
if (touchedNode.name != nil) {
print("Touched = \(touchedNode.name! as String)")
let sceneTouchPoint = self.convertPointToView(touchLocation)
delete that,touchLocation
IS yoursceneTouchPoint
– Knight0fDragon