I need to let the container to run 5 minutes after the kubectl
' termination. It needs to do some work before it's destroyed. It seems that kubernetes contains exactly what I need:
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
so I defined it within my yaml. I've updated running RCs
, delete current pods so new ones were created and now I can see that a pod contains exactly this setting via get pod xyz -o=yaml
Unfortunately, when I tried to do rolling-update
, the original pod was killed after exactly 1 minute, not after 5 minutes. I does ssh to the target machine and I could see that docker termineted the container after this time.
I tried to do some investigation how the feature works. I finally found the documentation to kubectl delete
where there is a notion about graceful termination period:
By default, all deletes are graceful within 30 seconds. The kubectl delete command supports the --grace-period= option which allows a user to override the default and specify their own value. The value 0 indicates that delete should be immediate, and removes the pod in the API immediately so a new pod can be created with the same name. On the node pods that are set to terminate immediately will still be given a small grace period before being force killed
So I took one pod, nginx, and try to delete it with grace-period=30
. It turned out, that original pod was immediately delete and get pods
showed that new one was being started.
So no 30 seconds. What am I doing wrong? It seems that all pods kubernetes does not take these values into account. Note that I'm using kubernetes v1.2.2
I also found this issue https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/24695 where the reporter had same problem and he solved it in the same fashion. So e.g. 300 seconds is not too much for kubernetes.