
We are already certified for EMV for all four brands. We are planning to implement PIN Bypass functionality and set TVR appropriately(Customer Bypassed PIN). Will this change require re-certifying for all four brands again? we are kind of getting mixed responses from our Acquirer.

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about device and software certification/legal issues and not about programming within the scope defined in the help center.Michael Roland
Yes, most likely: while you were passing MCHIP certification the appropriate tests were not included into test set.Serge
Best thing to do is get it checked with regional payment scheme contact and also your national regulatory requirements on whether PIN bypass is allowed. This is also a business call as it increases some risk and thereby chargebacks. But I feel a certification may not be necessary as the issuers can decline if B3b4 is ON in TVR. However make sure you do a comfort test on all the payment schemes and make sure the TVR is populated as expected in all cases.Adarsh Nanu

1 Answers


I can't tell you for sure, but I think it does require a re-certification.

Some schemes demand specific test cases with PIN bypass, and those were probably not certified before by your solution as you didn't have it before.