
I am using ng-file-upload to upload a JPG file to my S3 Bucket.

file.upload = Upload.upload({
    url: "https://<my-bucket-name>.s3.amazonaws.com/", 
    method: "POST",
    data: {
        key: "custom-filename.jpg", 
        AWSAccessKeyId: "<AWSAccessKeyId>",
        acl: "public-read", 
        policy: <policy>, 
        signature: <signature>, 
        "Content-Type": "image/jpeg", 
        filename: file.name, 
        file: file, 
        Metadata: {
            "x-amz-meta-hello": "Custom Metadata Value"

I have also tried the following (in the above code)

Metadata: {
    hello: "Custom Metadata Value"

& simply

"x-amz-meta-hello": "Custom Metadata Value"

I have included the Custom Metadata in my Policy file as

["starts-with", "x-amz-meta-hello", ""]

Also, the CORS Configuration under Bucket Permissions on S3 is


The above code and settings are working, the JPG file is successfully uploaded, but somehow the Custom Metadata value is not being set.

On successful upload, I am calling a Lambda function to resize the JPG and storing it in a separate bucket. Even this part is working but I am not able to read the Custom Metadata (x-amz-meta-hello) value in my Lambda Function. I need that value to assign a separate folder to the uploaded file.

To read the Custom Metadata in my Lambda Function

var s3 = new AWS.S3();
    Bucket: <BucketName>,
    Key: <S3ObjectKey>
}, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {

Not sure what am I missing here ... Please advise.

Thanks. (AngularJS version 1.5.0, ng-file-upload version 12.2.9, Google Chrome version 53.0.2785.113 on OSX 10.10.5)

Strictly from intuition: eliminate the Metadata: { and } construct, and place the metadata key above the file info: ... "Content-Type": "image/jpeg", "x-amz-meta-hello": "Custom Metadata Value", filename: file.name, ...Michael - sqlbot
Thanks ... Worked Perfectly ...SH59

1 Answers


Remove the Metadata: { ... } construct, because you're building an HTML form, which has a flat keyspace. Elsewhere you may see metadata given special treatment, where something like Metadata: { "hello": "world" } magically becomes x-amz-meta-hello: world but that is not applicable, here. Instead, metadata needs to start with x-amz-meta-, and since we are making a POST request, it is provided in the form data, rather than as a header.

Because the file data needs to be the last form element, place the metadata key above the file info, e.g.:

"Content-Type": "image/jpeg", 
"x-amz-meta-hello": "Custom Metadata Value", 
filename: file.name, 

Your policy condition must reference the metadata name with a $ in order to work (["starts-with", "$x-amz-meta-hello", ""]). Note that having the policy is required for the field to be accepted, but this specific condition does not constrain the field to contain a specific value.

Note also that <ExposeHeader>x-amz-meta-hello</ExposeHeader> is not necessary in order to allow the upload. <ExposeHeader> allows the browser to return that response header to the calling code on an AJAX request. Headers not listed (other than the "simple" standard ones, like Content-Type) are otherwise hidden from calling code. CORS is initially counterintuitive, until you understand that it's based on the idea that the web browser itself is assumed to be well-intentioned but naïve. CORS gives the browser permission to do things that it would not otherwise do, such as returning specific headers back to a caller.