
I've defined a cluster in ECS and failed to clean it up properly. I've terminated EC2 instances that are associated with this cluster which get recreated. No clusters/repos/services appear in my ECS console. In fact, when I go to this service through the console, I see the getting started wizard. I've started some digging with the CLI.

When issuing the commands:

  • aws ecs list-container-instances
  • aws ecs list-services
  • aws ecs list-tasks

I see the message An error occurred (ClusterNotFoundException) when calling the ____ operation: Cluster not found. (even when including my region).

When issuing the command:

  • aws ecs describe-clusters

I get the result:

    "clusters": [],
    "failures": [
            "arn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/default",
            "reason": "MISSING"

Any ideas on how I can clean up my mess would be much appreciated. Thanks!


3 Answers


There was a CloudFormation listing this cluster in its configuration. Even though this cluster was not visible in the ECS console, a CloudFormation stack was creating EC2 instances using the deleted cluster configuration. The CloudFormation stack was responsible for these EC2 instances. Deleting the stack solved this issue.


The command aws ecs describe-clusters only shows your default cluster.

You should write aws ecs describe-clusters --cluster <your-cluster> to check if it was correctly cleaned up.


I hope your cli is configured for a default region that is different than where the cluster is. Do 'aws configure' and change the region.