
From ESB our api is making a call to the downstream service which in case of negative scenario is returning

      <meta content="HTML Tidy for Java (vers. 27 Sep 2004), see www.w3.org" name="generator"/>
   <body>invalid address type</body>

but when we log inside esb we see this


Also when the message is send to the caller using respond , the caller gets HTMl again.

We had enabled the following in axis2

`<messageBuilder contentType="text/html"

   class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.BinaryRelayBuilder"/> `

We want to transform the response into JSON and want to map body in the response before sending to the caller .


2 Answers


The HTML content will be treated as a XML segment by the ESB. SO you can perform any manupulation operation on this content. Can try the Payload Mediator or Enrich mediator with some XPath expressions.


we had observed that the content is coming as base64encoding string into the ESB, that was the reason we were not able to process it , so we did reqd decoding and processed as per our reqmt .