I'm trying to get the Marketing API examples work with PHP SDK. I've managed to create a Campaign, to set targeting, upload an image and create AdSet. However, I'm having trouble with the AdCreative and the Ad itself.
The code keeps breaking with 'Invalid Parameter', but I don't know which one is the invalid one. I've been debugging for 3 days now and I'm stuck. Here's the code I have:
Creates the Campaign:
$campaign = new Campaign(null, 'act_xxxxxxx');
CampaignFields::NAME => '#My Campaign#',
CampaignFields::OBJECTIVE => CampaignObjectiveValues::LINK_CLICKS,
Create target audience:
$targeting = new Targeting();
$targeting->{TargetingFields::GEO_LOCATIONS} =
'location_types' => array('recent'),
'custom_locations' => array(
'latitude'=> 'xx.xxxxxxx',
'longitude'=> 'xx.xxxxxxx',
'radius'=> 2,
'distance_unit'=> 'kilometer')),
Create Adset:
$start_time = (new \DateTime("+1 day"))->format(DateTime::ISO8601);
$end_time = (new \DateTime("+2 day"))->format(DateTime::ISO8601);
$adset = new AdSet(null, 'act_xxxxxxxx');
AdSetFields::NAME => '#My Adset#',
AdSetFields::OPTIMIZATION_GOAL => AdSetOptimizationGoalValues::LINK_CLICKS,
AdSetFields::BILLING_EVENT => AdSetBillingEventValues::LINK_CLICKS,
AdSetFields::BID_AMOUNT => 2,
AdSetFields::DAILY_BUDGET => 500,
AdSetFields::CAMPAIGN_ID => $campaign->id,
AdSetFields::TARGETING => $targeting,
AdSetFields::START_TIME => $start_time,
AdSetFields::END_TIME => $end_time,
Upload the image:
$image = new AdImage(null, 'act_xxxxxxxx');
$image->{AdImageFields::FILENAME} = 'fb-ad-images/xxxxx.jpeg';
Creates the AdCreative:
$link_data = new AdCreativeLinkData();
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::MESSAGE => 'try it out',
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::LINK => 'http://example.com',
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::CAPTION => 'My caption',
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::IMAGE_HASH => $img_hash,
$object_story_spec = new AdCreativeObjectStorySpec();
AdCreativeObjectStorySpecFields::PAGE_ID => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
AdCreativeObjectStorySpecFields::LINK_DATA => $link_data,
$creative = new AdCreative(null, 'act_xxxxxxx');
AdCreativeFields::NAME => 'Sample Creative',
AdCreativeFields::OBJECT_STORY_SPEC => $object_story_spec,
Creates the Ad:
$data = array(
AdFields::NAME => 'My Ad',
AdFields::ADSET_ID => $adset->id,
AdFields::CREATIVE => array(
'creative_id' => $creative->id,
$ad = new Ad(null, 'act_xxxxxx');
I've checked the validation compatibility of the parameters and all seems ok. The error is
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'FacebookAds\Http\Exception\AuthorizationException' with message 'Invalid parameter'
Can anyone please help, I'm really stuck. Thanks.