I am new to RxJava so please forgive me if this sounds too newbie :-).
As of now I have an abstract CallbackClass that implements the Retofit Callback. There I catch the Callback's "onResponse" and "onError" methods and handle various error types before finally forwarding to the custom implemented methods. I also use this centralized class to for request/response app logging and other stuff.
For example: for specific error codes from my sever I receive a new Auth token in the response body, refresh the token and then clone.enqueue the call. There are of course several other global behaviors to the responses from my server.
Current solution (Without Rx):
public abstract void onResponse(Call<T> call, Response<T> response, boolean isSuccess);
public abstract void onFailure(Call<T> call, Response<T> response, Throwable t, boolean isTimeout);
public void onResponse(Call<T> call, Response<T> response) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (response != null && !response.isSuccessful()) {
if (response.code() == "SomeCode" && retryCount < RETRY_LIMIT) {
TokenResponseModel newToken = null;
try {
newToken = new Gson().fromJson(new String(response.errorBody().bytes(), "UTF-8"), TokenResponseModel.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
SomeClass.token = newToken.token;
} else {
onResponse(call, response, true);
onFailure(call, response, null, false);
public void onFailure(Call<T> call, Throwable t) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (t instanceof UnknownHostException)
if (eventBus != null)
eventBus.post(new NoConnectionErrorEvent());
onFailure(call, null, t, false);
My question is: Is there any way to have this sort of centralized response handling behavior before finally chaining (or retrying) back to the subscriber methods?
I found these 2 links which both have a nice starting point but not a concrete solution. Any help will be really appreciated.