
I've updated page numbers in my word document using a formula. Now page numbers have series like 1,1,2,2,3,3..

But, the numbers in TOC are still same as previous. I've tried updating them using "Update field" option available in MS Word 2007 & 2010.

Can I use formula here also to change page numbers? if yes, how?


2 Answers


It took me a little while to figure this out because I hadn't done it with a formula before, but I found that if toggle the field code for your page numbers in your footer, you'll see the actual formula it is using to show your page numbers, and it should look something like {PAGE}. If you pay close attention, you'll notice that the {} are in bold. What I did to manipulate these page numbers via a formula, I hit CTRL+F9 to get the bold curly brackets, then =, then CTRL+F9 to get another set of curly brackets and typed PAGE inside of those, then after it I typed * 2, then I surrounded {PAGE} * 2 in parenthesis. It resulted in something that looks like this: {=({PAGE}*2)}. The final document has only even page numbers that follow that forumla: 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. Hopefully that helps you in your quest.


The TOC is built from hidden, internal bookmarks. So every page has a bookmark that is assigned when the TOC is created that starts with _Toc... which is it's logical page number (1, 2, 3, etc.). The TOC does not use what you have changed in the header/footer as the bookmark.

In order to do what you are asking, you will have to assign each of your page numbers to a bookmark and then manually create a TOC with field codes { PAGEREF yourPageNumberBookmark } inside of a { HYPERLINK }