I'm experimenting with making a generic free category (Path) and an instance for filesystems for strongly-typed filepaths. I was hoping the new TypeInType
extension would make possible this more generalized path type where my earlier efforts back in 2013 seemed to necessitate tying the filesystem parts into the category parts, but I'm running into an issue where I don't seem to be permitted to promote a data family instance to the kind level even though it's accepted by :kind
in GHCI.
I might be missing something obvious; I've been mostly away from Haskell and programming for some time now and even then I was hardly an expert at advanced type-level programming.
Is what I'm trying to achieve here possible in GHC 8?
The Code
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType, TypeFamilies, GADTs #-}
import Data.Kind
data family Vertex g
data family Edge g (a :: Vertex g) (b :: Vertex g)
data Path g (a :: Vertex g) (b :: Vertex g) where
Nil :: Path g a a
Cons :: Edge g a b -> Path g b c -> Path g a c
data FileSystem
data instance Vertex FileSystem = Root | Home | Working | Directory | File
data instance Edge FileSystem where
RootDirectory :: Edge FileSystem Root Directory
HomeDirectory :: Edge FileSystem Home Directory
WorkingDirectory :: Edge FileSystem Working Directory
DirectoryName :: String -> Edge FileSystem Directory Directory
FileName :: String -> Edge FileSystem Directory File
FileExtension :: String -> Edge FileSystem File File
Compilation Error
$ ghc Path.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Path.hs, Path.o )
Path.hs:18:38: error:
• Data constructor ‘Root’ cannot be used here
(it comes from a data family instance)
• In the second argument of ‘Edge’, namely ‘Root’
In the type ‘Edge FileSystem Root Directory’
In the definition of data constructor ‘RootDirectory’
Commenting out the Edge FileSystem
declaration the code compiles and I can try some things in GHCi.
*Main> :set -XTypeInType -XTypeFamilies -XGADTs
*Main> :k Edge FileSystem
Edge FileSystem :: Vertex FileSystem -> Vertex FileSystem -> *
*Main> :k Root
Root :: Vertex FileSystem
*Main> :k Edge FileSystem Root Directory
Edge FileSystem Root Directory :: *