My aim is to create a polynomial with given coefficients, then evaluate the polynomial on giving points. and then use PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm class to recreate the same polynomial and retrieve the same coefficients.
However, I'm getting different coefficients even that both polynomials have the same degree.
My question is how to get the same coefficients ? is there a way to get all possible polynomials ?
static double [] points= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
// Create polynomial using PolynomialFunction class
PolynomialFunction pf = new PolynomialFunction(coeffecient);
System.out.println("-------------------Encoding------------------ \nPolynomial degree: ";
System.out.println("Polynomial: "+pf);
System.out.println("Coffecients: ");
evaluatePolynomial(pf, points);
PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm LF = new PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm(points,polynomial_values);
System.out.print("-------------------Decoding------------------ \nDegree of Lagrange polynomial:");
System.out.println("Polynomial: "+LF);
System.out.println("Coffecient of Lagrange polynomial:");
Polynomial degree: 15
Polynomial: 40.0 x - 53.0 x^2 - 8.0 x^3 - 29.0 x^4 + 99.0 x^5 + 71.0 x^6 - 86.0 x^7 + 127.0 x^8 + 35.0 x^9 + 14.0 x^10 - 53.0 x^11 + 121.0 x^12 - x^13 + 22.0 x^14 - 27.0 x^15
[0.0, 40.0, -53.0, -8.0, -29.0, 99.0, 71.0, -86.0, 127.0, 35.0, 14.0, -53.0, 121.0, -1.0, 22.0, -27.0]
Degree of Lagrange polynomial:15
Polynomial: org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm@5f150435
Coffecient of Lagrange polynomial:
[241664.0, -196608.0, 819200.0, -360448.0, 24576.0, -81920.0, 24576.0, -256.0, 640.0, -28.0, 18.0, -52.921875, 121.021484375, -1.000274658203125, 22.000003814697266, -27.000000070780516]
I should stick with the following points
points= {34121,51152,59804,40922,41678,33985,55244,61576,41866,37365,63178,45530,52928,35006,34671,43212};
P(x)= 37.0 + 79.0 x + 95.0 x^2 - 118.0 x^3 + 66.0 x^4 - 47.0 x^5 - 64.0 x^6 + 77.0 x^7 + 7.0 x^8 + 113.0 x^9 - 81.0 x^10 + 36.0 x^11 - 33.0 x^12 + 7.0 x^13 - 91.0 x^14 + 80.0 x^15
The result after evaluating on polynomial
(points, P(points))= {(34121,7.914104306379832E69),(51152,3.435734636341671E72),(59804,3.5812547774323177E73),(40922,1.209012191911663E71),(41678, 1.5910403312602316E71),(33985,7.453917205941376E69 ),(55244, 1.0898275780150622E73),(61576,5.5495027051432293E73),(41866,1.702159385167097E71),(37365,3.0906623702059587E70),(63178,8.157747712897765E73),(45530,5.991614888661553E71),(52928,5.732748723914476E72),(35006,1.1620189256906411E70),(34671,1.005938101921578E70),(43212,2.736176231116627E71)};
however, send (points, P(points)) to Lagrange interpolation produce wrong coefficients:
-7.125711012263528E27, -1.7102522454360707E26, -3.9998444109905895E24, -1.1156590815779537E23, -1.3650590614545068E21, -8.762203435012037E19, 1.36909428672063078E18, -1.125899906842624E17, 7.0368744177664E14, -2.3089744183296E13, 3.95136991232E11, -3.3554432E9, 1.572864E7, -110592.0, 192.0, 79.38.
Any suggested solution?
before getting them? If not, it is probably a numerical issue. What points are you feeding in? – Nico Schertler-1.0, -0.9, -0.8 ...
. – Nico Schertler