
I'm currently building an AIR program for Desktop using AS3 in Flash (not FLEX). I want to be able to share the text within a certain text field to the user's wall. For the life of me, I cannot find a tutorial on how to do this without FLEX.

I've downloaded the Facebook Actionscript API (Graph API 1.8.1 Desktop SWC), and imported it into my project, but I can't login or post. https://code.google.com/archive/p/facebook-actionscript-api/downloads

How would I go about this?

What do you mean by "I can't"? What happens exactly? What error do you get? What does your code look like?null
Looks like there are plenty of examples in the same repository that can get you started, including the "FB_AS3_API_HelloWorldExamples.zip" ?Philarmon

1 Answers


There is an AS3 Facebook API by Adobe:


You need to handle the login first, but here is how you post to wall:

var params:Object =
  message: text,
  link: 'your link here',
  caption: 'Text to display 1',
  name: 'Text to display 2',
  description: 'Description',
  picture: 'image url here'

Facebook.api( 'me/feed', onComplete, params, "POST" );

function onComplete( response:Object, fail:Object ):void 
    trace( JSON.encode(response)  );