I have a central location that contains 96 xls files; each of these 96 files represent an individual test located here:
"\server5\Operations\MainBoard testing central location DO NOT REMOVE or RENAME"
I created an Excel workbook to input all the information of each individual test on to a single sheet. Then, I used a VBA to pull the names of the files and add a link to the file on a second sheet on the same workbook. I linked those files to sheet 1.
Next, I added all the information on the top row corresponding to the test performed broken down in to a single line per workbook (Test).
Now I need to populate sheet 1 on the new workbook (Advanced Main board test log.xlsx)
So far this formula works, but only for open workbooks:
=INDIRECT("'\\server5\Operations\MainBoard testing central location DO NOT REMOVE or RENAME\["&A7&"]Summary'!$E9")
Where A7 represents the column of filenames which ranges from A6 to A103
Summary E9 is the cell I would like to enter in cell C7
Please note the populated values, this is because I have those 2 work books open, All #REF! cells contain the same formula as the populated cells.
please let me know if you need any additional information to accomplish this tedious task
I also tried doing Microsoft recommended method:
='[20160613 1002257 35000010-01B.xls]Summary'!$E9
replaced file name with cell containing file name:
and I get #REF! in the cell and formula bar automatically changes to:
='(\\server5\Operations\MainBoard testing central location DO NOT REMOVE or RENAME\["&A7&"]Summary'!$E9