
I created a topic in my kafka cluster with the following command.

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper kaf1:2181,kaf2:2181,kaf3:2181 --create --topic mytopic --partitions 10 --replication-factor 2 --config retention.bytes=1074000000 --config delete.retention.ms=6000 --config segment.bytes=105000000

So, if I understand correctly the documentation, I have a topic with 10 partitions replicate 2 times beetween my 3 kafka hosts. Next, each kafka host must retain 1Go of data. Each segment has a size of 100Mo and all old logs will be delete after 1 minute.

Now, when I do a du -h on my logs directory on a kafka hosts, I have this:

1,2G ./mytopic-2 1,1G ./mytopic-8 1,2G ./mytopic-9 1,1G ./mytopic-6 1,1G ./mytopic-3 1,1G ./mytopic-0 1,2G ./mytopic-4 7,6G .

I thought get 1Go for the directory entirely and not for each partition.

So my question is simple, the topic configuration is for each partition or for the all topic ?



1 Answers


Please, see the picture below (distribution of partitions by the cluster nodes might be different): enter image description here