
I have a maven project with these dependencies -



I did a fresh (deleted repository directory under .m2) mvn clean install.

One machine 1 (mvn version - 3.3.3), under .m2/repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-server/1.2.2

It successfully downloaded

-rw-rw-r-- 1 impadmin impadmin   32265 Sep  6 19:51 hbase-server-1.2.2.pom
-rw-rw-r-- 1 impadmin impadmin      40 Sep  6 19:51 hbase-server-1.2.2.pom.sha1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 impadmin impadmin 4147025 Sep  6 19:52 hbase-server-1.2.2.jar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 impadmin impadmin      40 Sep  6 19:52 hbase-server-1.2.2.jar.sha1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 impadmin impadmin 7492332 Sep  6 19:53 hbase-server-1.2.2-tests.jar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 impadmin impadmin      40 Sep  6 19:53 hbase-server-1.2.2-tests.jar.sha1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 impadmin impadmin     291 Sep  7 12:07 _remote.repositories

On machine 2 (mvn version - 3.0.4), under same directory

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   32265 Sep  7 14:02 hbase-server-1.2.2.pom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      40 Sep  7 14:02 hbase-server-1.2.2.pom.sha1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4147025 Sep  7 14:05 hbase-server-1.2.2.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      40 Sep  7 14:05 hbase-server-1.2.2.jar.sha1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   26400 Sep  7 14:26 hbase-server-1.2.2-tests.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     393 Sep  7 14:26 _maven.repositories

You see hbase-server-1.2.2-tests.jar.sha1 is missing and hbase-server-1.2.2-tests.jar is corrupted (40 KB)

Jenkins logs:

Downloading: http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/org/apache/hbase/hbase-server/1.2.2/hbase-server-1.2.2-tests.jar

[WARNING] Checksum validation failed, expected b40b13063ee56ba3b783645444545d520ca40764 but is cd3be44d9c4c4b20a12f70acc17a58e8141d7bed for http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/org/apache/hbase/hbase-server/1.2.2/hbase-server-1.2.2-tests.jar

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project kundera-hbase-v2: Compilation failure

[ERROR] error: error reading /root/.m2/repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-server/1.2.2/hbase-server-1.2.2-tests.jar; error in opening zip file

Also tried with http://repo1.maven.org/maven2 repository. Result is same.

How many times did you try? Do it a few times.vz0
@vz0 I tried 4-5 times.Dev
Download the JAR manually with a web browser or with wget from the command line and check the signature manually with sha1sum.vz0
I've just done it myself, the file checks out fine. There is something wrong with your internet connection. I really doubt it is something wrong with Maven.vz0

1 Answers


I've just manually downloaded the JAR file and the checksum is the correct one. There is a problem with your internet connection. Probably a broken cable, interface, router, etc., or a firewall/anti-virus software going bananas.