
recently i uploaded (deployed) a signalr hub for a simple chat project(exactly the one that Microsoft uploaded in their signalr website as "getting started project") on a web server .but the problem is i can't connect to hub either from a winfrom application or another chat webapp . i set the connection url to "http://www.example.com/signalr" but i get a "404 not found eror when i try to connect via winform app . my Question is what did i do wrong and do i need to add code to my hub to get it running ?

perhaps sharing some code and the exact error message and where it occurs would help.Kolichikov
Perhaps it's a Cross-domain issue, does your code makes use of app.UseCors(CorsOptions.AllowAll); ?Benjamin Soulier
@Kolichikov Thanks for the reply . its the same sample code that microsoft uploaded in their signalr site linkarash_jp

1 Answers


i figured out the problem . first i need to edit the url to http://sample.com/signalr without any www . after that i didn't get the 404 not found error but i still got error that my signalr version it's not compatible with the server . so i upgraded the signalr client version and it was done .